Written By Jeffrey Gitomer

KING OF SALES, The author of seventeen best-selling books including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. His live coaching program, Sales Mastery, is available at gitomer.me.

What can an e-zine do for you?

Your e-zine will set you apart from your competition and create value that exceeds your customer’s expectations.

Your e-zine will touch every customer with a value message. Your e-zine is a value communicator, and if done right it will be welcomed by customers, prospects, vendors, bankers; everyone your business touches, including your prospective customers. Yes, it will contain promotional news about your products and services, but it will be presented in a manner that those messages are not dominant.

An e-zine is a way to build loyalty and repeat business for less money, and with 1,000 times more effectiveness, than any ad.

E-zine Information and Action Sheet

To begin, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What am I an expert at?
  2. How can my e-zine help my customers?
  3. What kind of information can I send that will impact my customers?
  4. Who do I want to reach my customers?
  5. What value do I want to give my recipients?
  6. What do I want customers to do after they read my e-zine.
    (Buy product, re-order, click through, schedule an appointment, remember me as a good guy when it’s time to reorder, help them think in new ways, answer their concerns and questions, inform them, help them build their business, help them profit from the use of our product, etc.)
  7. How many e-mail names do I have on my list right now?
  8. How many names do I expect to add this year?
  9. How am I going to get those names?
  10. What is the expected frequency of my message? (weekly, quarterly)
  11. Who will be the person in charge of the content gathering and list management?
  12. How much of the e-zine do I want to sub-contract out?
    (List storage, e-zine preparation, weekly mailing, software maintenance, content gathering.)

Here are some ideas about what your e-zine might contain:

  • Tip of the week
  • Article of interest to the reader
  • Personal message from the CEO or general manager of your company
  • Answered questions
  • Guest article from a vendor or customer or industry expert
  • Success story – customer feature
  • Quote of the week
  • A photo and a story or note from the representative.
  • Information that others perceive as valuable.
  • Information that’s helpful to your customers.
  • Information that helps them build their business and helps them make a profit or increase productivity.