Here are five questions to ask when considering Back Door Automated Attendant:
yes or no
_____ 1. Are more than 15% of your incoming calls from somebody other than a customer or prospective customer (supplier, another location, personal, your own employee checking messages)?
_____ 2. Does your operator ever give the greeting, “ACME Manufacturing Company, can you please hold?”
_____ 3. Do employees frequently call into the office to check messages or speak with internal employees?
_____ 4. Are your employees ever put on-hold when they call into the office to check messages?
_____ 5. Do you ever put a customer on hold to answer another line that turns out to be your own employee?
If you answer YES to two or more of these questions — BDAA should be considered as part of your communication package.
Andy Dinkin, CEO of Charlotte-based Tegra Telephone Systems is dedicated to better internal and external communications through the proper use of the telephone. He can be reached at 704/376-1171 or e-mail to
Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Sales Bible and The Little Red Book of Selling. President of Charlotte-based Buy Gitomer, he gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts Internet training programs on selling and customer service at He can be reached at 704/333-1112 or e-mail to
r 2006 All Rights Reserved. Don’t even think of reproducing this document without written permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer 704/333-1112