Elaine Floyd’s Newsletter in an Afternoon
1. Start Blank. Get out a blank piece of paper and write down your mission. Who are you writing this newsletter for and what type of information will IMPACT them? “Insights and ideas on efficient offices written for small businesses from Ace Office Supply.”
2. Write down the results you want from your newsletter.
3. List some current issues that you want to write about. What are your new products and services? What other changes that affect your customers have happened in your company or industry?
4. List news that your buyers want to hear about. What common questions are being asked during your calls? What success stories are you using? Can you tell them in print?
5. Process. Go to your word processor, open a new file and type the words “Dear Client.” You can also use “customer,” “friend,” or whatever. This gives your newsletter the “letter” look.
6. Next paragraph. Type your top two news stories on your word processor. Each news item should be a short paragraph, around 100 words each.
7. In the third news item, list the common question that customers are asking and your response. Or, write up your most popular success story. If you can, use your customer’s name in the story (ask permission first). If not, write the story in a general way.
8. For your fourth item, give your readers some news to use. Write up advice on how to best use your product or service. Discuss money-saving ideas. Take a consultative selling approach in this item.
9. After the last news item, type in your favorite inspirational quotation or ask a trivia question.
10. Edit and enhance. Go back through the stories and look for opportunities to include a reason for readers to call you. Offer free information or materials. Give deadlines on offers.
One last note: Keep your newsletter short, friendly and helpful. Make sure each newsletter contains benefits for your customers. Go on throw in the rubber duckies. It’s worth it to keep your top customers in the tub.
BONUS BUY: If you want to do these 10 steps even faster, buy Quick & Easy Newsletters ($49.95) from Newsletter Resources, (800) 264-6305. This newsletter-in-a-box kit includes templates, cartoons, quotes, trivia and article ideas on disk along with an instruction book. Send a copy of this faxback and receive free shipping.
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“ELAINE FLOYD” Faxback #160