

Written By Jeffrey Gitomer

KING OF SALES, The author of seventeen best-selling books including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. His live coaching program, Sales Mastery, is available at

Sales Proposal…Table of contents

  • Executive Summary…The proposal in capsule form – the deal in one or two sentences.
  • The Situation…An explanation of things as they exist now. The factual status of you, your customer and the market.
  • The Opportunity…What opportunity exists between the parties that makes the deal mutually beneficial (lean the benefit toward the customer).
  • The Objectives…What goals are sought to be achieved as a result of the deal going through.
  • The deal in detail…What product or services are being bought (describe the deal so that there are no questions or situations unresolved).
    • State who does what and when.
    • State who delivers what and when.
    • State who pays what and when.
    • State who performs what services and when.
  • The history of your company (brief) including the players…
    • State how you help others not just how great you are.
  • Give the present industry standards…Clearly show that you are well above them (and your competition) and what your prospect’s competitive advantage is by doing the deal with you.
  • List the reasons and major benefits to the deal…(It’s a summary, but don’t call it one)
    • Hit every hot button you know.

Exhibits if needed…

  • Supporting technical information. Brochures or fact sheets about items ordered.
  • Use testimonials from satisfied customers that overcome objections — and provide proof of your claims.
  • Supporting national and local articles. More proof about benefits and claims that you have made.
  • Promotional articles. Things written about you are ten times more powerful than things you write about yourself.
  • Your company mission statement. The last page should reek of credibility, values and ethics.

And last but most important of them all – THE CONTRACT…including prices and terms – completely filled out and signed by everyone except the buyer (enclose or attach a pen).