Web Outline

Web Outline

Written By Jeffrey Gitomer

KING OF SALES, The author of seventeen best-selling books including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude. His live coaching program, Sales Mastery, is available at gitomer.me.

Web Outline

Web Outline


  • A front page with pizzazz and value
  • Fast load — people have about a nano-second of patience
  • Easy access to the rest of the site
  • Immediate focus on what the customer gains by looking further

Places for visitors to click:
1. A history of your success. Who we are and where we’re going.
2. A feature on our customers. Who we serve and how they succeeded. A credibility showcase.
3. A stack of testimonials. How we serve others and how they feel about it.
4. What we offer — services/products & applications.
5. A place to order from us. Easy catalog listings and credit card payment.
6. A place to get service. An e-mail access to get something repaired.
7. A place to get information. How do I use — how do I fix. Service tips.
8. A place to get tips on use. Ideas and creative contributions that may value the visitor. Value to ME when I visit you.
9. A place to compare. How we stack up against the competition. A place to prove we’re different from, and better than the rest.
10. Hot Links to others you think will value the visitor. A chance for you to build business partners.
11. A place to get to know your people. Some kind of directory and bio on your people and their capabilities.
12. A place e-mail back to you. An easy way to connect and correspond with your visitor. A hot-line.
12.5 something to BUY.

There’s enough to get you going — AND…
ADD THIS TO YOUR MIX: Attention grabbers like a banner quote — a flash or java clip — a cartoon — voice — video. Make your site exciting.
CHANGE YOUR SITE AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN: Update info — have a “What’s New?” area that gets changed every week.
CAUTION! AVOID “ME-ME” DISEASE: Make the visitor feel value. Create the message in terms of him or her — not you.
PAY A WEBMASTER: Someone responsible for creating and building your www image. The investment today will allow you to do commerce tomorrow.

2001 All Rights Reserved – Don’t even think about reproducing this document without written permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer o 704/333-1112. www.gitomer.com