Every great salesperson was once a beginner.

“That’s easy for you to say! You’re already a great salesman and a successful author and speaker,” someone yelled from the audience as I was answering a question about how to brand yourself and position yourself to create the law of attraction.


I tweet, therefore I am. Who am you?

Finding the Right Salesperson

I tweet, therefore I am. Who am you? I resisted as long as I could — partially because my understanding of it was somewhere around zero, and partly — okay mostly, because I thought it was going to be a waste of my time.


Don’t ask me to do your work. Do it yourself!

Finding the Right Salesperson

Don’t ask me to do your work. Do it yourself! I get requests like these all the time: “Please update your information, blah, blah” And whatever the program is, they want me to register and become part of their pathetic process. Eh, no.


What’s so social about social media? How social are you?

Finding the Right Salesperson

What’s so social about social media? How social are you? It started like a small bunch of burning leaves. A little MySpace here and there — a blog or two. And then the wind picked up. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn. Growing from a windstorm to a firestorm, social media is a tornado running wild over the Internet plains.