Getting What You Want. It’s a Matter of Self-truth.

Why aren’t you moving forward? Why do you feel “stuck?” Why is your success track not moving fast enough? Why don’t you have what you want? Why don’t you have what you feel you deserve? Those are not tough questions. Those are LIFE questions. Your life. If these questions are uncomfortable to you, it means you aren’t sure of the …


Conrad Hilton creates a powerful “new” service.

Presented here is one of the most powerful lessons of customer loyalty. It’s from a man who was arguably the father of hotel hospitality…Conrad Hilton. The lesson is from the book, The New Art of Selling, by Elmer Letterman, published in 1957. This is a story about providing service beyond the normal thought process. This is about the philosophy, “Just …


Decide to Make Every Day the First of Year.

Well it’s a new year again. More resolutions, more goals, more plans. If the new year only ran until February, we would be fine. Most people can only keep their resolutions and goals going for about a month. Don’t take my word for it ask any fitness center. Crammed in January, empty in February. Hey, wait a minute. Didn’t someone …


The Secret Formula for Personal Achievement is Yours.

“Going for the gold” is wrong. Being the best you can be in order to earn the gold, or get the gold is a surer path to success. What path are you on? Are you the best at what you do? Everyone wants success, but very few achieve the success they dream about. I’m on my journey just like you. …