Where did the sale go? I seem to have lost it.

  Lost a sale? What did you blame it on? Who did you blame it on? In my 32 years of training salespeople, I’ve never had one person come up to me and say, “Jeffrey, I didn’t make the sale, and it’s all my fault.” Excuses like: Our price was too high, the guy said he had a satisfactory supplier, …


Is that the best way you can say it? Is that the best way you can do it?

  This is an excerpt from my book: Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless. “Best Practice” Benchmark: A response, practice or function that, by peer consensus, has been designated as “BEST” when interacting with a customer or coworker. The purpose of a Benchmark is to create a uniform, superior response to situations that occur daily in the workplace. …